Monthly Archives: March 2006

Premio al Mejor Compañero de la Semana . . .

El Comité ha decidido conceder el Premio al Mejor Compañero de Trabajo de la Semana a . . . Mayte

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Concurso Semanal: Name that Co-Worker

Para esta semana, permito a los lectores decidir . . .

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Everyone loves a good meal. People think of food with nostalgia for home or for better times. But, sometimes I wish we could live witout food. It often just gets in the way. Especially on a day like today when my stomach hurts, I feel no homesickness for food, just a desire to avoid eating and to roll myself into my bed like a Mexican fajita.

A few weeks back, my friend Laura (who has a degree in Physical Education and Physiotherapy, is very borde, and who I generally refer to as primer plato) was educating me on the relationship between stress and the digestive system. While it is generally accepted that stress creates stomach discomfort and alignments, the reverse is just as prevelant. Stomach pains cause stress. What’s more stressful than having nausea on a crowded public bus or stuffy metro? Worse of all, it’s lunch time. What am I going to eat?

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I know nothing about clouds, I don’t speak French, and I can’t play the piano.


About six months ago, I was running on the treadmill listening to Thelonious Monk, and I was suddenly overcome by one of the profoundest revelations of my lifetime to date. It wasn’t about the existence of God, the meaning of life and death, or about love. It was much simpler yet just as significant. Here it is:

I should have been a pianist. Continue reading


Filed under Digressions, Friends / Family, Jazz

Catching Up


Like every weekend since I started working for FON, my primary goal is to sleep as much as humanly possible. The problem is that I have been neglecting the things that I enjoy the most in life: my friends, my family, reading, writing, listening to music, working out, and sleeping. Various of these are thus sacrificed. While I had everything planned to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, I ended up foregoing on the sleep and dedicated the majority of my time catching up with friends.

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10 Important People who Never Read Grave Error

The following 10 people I consider important in my life, and yet they simply do not read my blog:

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Filed under Friends / Family

Premio al Mejor Compañero de la Semana: And the winner is . . .

Esta semana ha sido corta pero muy intensa, no solo para los que trabajan en FON sino también para el Comité que toma su papel con mucha seriedad y profesionalismo. El Comité ha valorado la aportación de todos los compañeros y ha decidido, de forma unánime, conceder el Premio al Mejor Compañero de Trabajo de la Semana a . . . Eric

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El Concurso: Name that Co-Worker

Ya llegamos al momento de jugar, “Name that Co-Woker” donde hay que adivinar el nombre de uno de nuestros compañeros de trabajo basado en unas simple claves. ¡A jugar!

Este compañero es una de la personas más importantes de nuestra ofician. En realidad, controla el ritmo de nuestros días, y como no te portas bien, te quedas sin galletas. ¿De quién estoy hablando?

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Días Temáticos: Jueves Naranja / Orange Thursdays

Parece que solo Iurgi vive el espiritú de los Jueves Naranja.

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ETA: Ridiculous and Outdated

ETA, Spain’s separatist terrorist group, announced today its “permanent” ceasefire. At first this sounded like great news. It actually appeared that Zapatero’s policy of an “alliance of civilizations” was bearing its fruits at home. But when I read the official declaration of the group, I grew concerned. It was full of conditions precedent that showed that in reality the message has not significantly changed.

Then when I saw the televised version of their declaration, I was shocked by how ridiculous and outdated they looked. There were three of them. Dressed in black, white hoods, and black “boinas” (the traditional Basque barets). Behind them was a cloth with their symbol. They looked so incredibly stupid, cheap, outdated, and above all simply ridiculous. How could these losers have systematically destroyed the harmony of the Basque people, their identity and their economy over the past 30+ years? Furthermore, who the hell would be a terrorist in 21st Century Spain? Spain is a modern, technologically savy, advanced, and peace-loving nation. And here you have these three losers dressed in their cheap, second rate Holloween costums. Cave dwellers lost in Afghanistan could do a better national threat imitation.

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