Monthly Archives: July 2019

Trump and Who’s Revolting

From an objective standpoint, whether you agree with Trump’s views or not, Trump entered into politics based on vile criticisms of then sitting President Obama and ran on a campaign platform and stump-speech that argued that the United States was in dire shape. In fact, Trump’s inauguration speech was an unprecedentedly bleak depiction of the state of America’s democracy. In his address, Trump painted a picture of an oppressed, powerless citizenry at the hands of a corrupt government living in a violent society.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

Trump  — who himself is a first generation immigrant and whose household is made up of immigrant spouses and first generation children — has argued that his call for three first generation and one naturalized congresswomen to go back to their countries is not racist because he was attacking them for their vile depictions of the U.S. (and Israel, a foreign country). But in what way have these women been less critical of America than Mr. Trump? What makes their alleged criticisms less American than Trump’s and any more revolting?

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