Monthly Archives: October 2014

Isis, Ebola, Fear and Big Government

Ferguson Police NYT

[UPDATE below]

Before I begin:

Guns kill 30,000 Americans per year. The Flu kills thousands of Americans per year. You are nine times more likely to be killed by the police than by a terrorist.

Now let me begin:

The War on Terror is probably the greatest pro-Big Government sham in American history. We have spent trillions of dollars to fight wars against foreign enemies and in foreign lands in response to the murder of 3,000 people on 911, and in the process have created whole new billion dollar industries for government contractors. Those 3,000 lives we lost was a tragedy. But in terms of the real risks to national security that Americans face, terrorism has proven to be far down on the list of actual threats. Just look at the numbers.

As mentioned here previously, Americans are nine times more likely to be killed by their own police than by a terrorist. You are more likely to be killed by dog bite or diarrhea than be by a terrorist. The vast majority of the people we’ve been fighting in Afghanistan have never even heard of 911. Yet we fight on and are now supposed to believe that Isis is the next mortal threat to America. Yes, you heard it: Isis is a mortal threat to the country with the most expensive and most sophisticated military in the history of mankind.

At the same time, we are now supposed to be in a panic over Ebola. Some are even calling for a blockade on all flights out of West African. Is Ebola that big a threat to Americans? But doesn’t the run of the mill American flu kill around 20,000 Americans per year. As a matter of fact in 2004, 48,000 Americans died of the flu. Shouldn’t there have been a travel ban on all American domestic and international flights?

In recent days while one person died of Ebola in America, three American high school kids died after suffering head injuries during football games. Should we ban football?

Vox recent published a list of the less sexy but real life threats to Americans, and the top six were:

  1. Hear Disease and Cancer
  2. Traffic Accidents
  3. Guns
  4. Climate Change
  5. World War III breaking out in the Baltics
  6. The Common Flu

Guns kills more than 30,000 people in America. Could you imagine if Congress actually gave $22 billion to make gun deaths less likely instead of spending it on a bunch of nincompoops that call themselves Isis? Imagine if instead of fighting those guys in Afghanistan that had never even heard of 911 or the guys in Iraq who didn’t have any WMDs, we had spent trillions making guns safer?

John Hagee — the Christian pastor who endorsed John McCain in 2008 and whose endorsement McCain accepted — has recently claimed that Ebola is God’s judgement on America as a result of Obama trying to divide Israel (apparently by giving Israel more money). Does Mr. Hagee believe that 30,000 gun deaths per year is God’s way of punishing Americans for having the N.R.A. and an activist Supreme Court that rules in favor of a Second Amendment right to personal gun possession?

That’s right: we Americans — especially of the Bible waiving kind — love our guns as much as we love our Big Government military and its contractors.

So the next time you hear someone say Isis or Ebola, please ask them to do us (and our tax payer wallets) a big favor and shut the f_ _ _ up.

UPDATE (November 7, 2014):

Last week the Washington Post came out with an infographic on “How likely are you to die from Ebola” which compares numerous other ways Americans are much more likely to die than from Ebola, including – amongst other things – your pajamas catching on fire, spider bites, falling out of bed, and yes, the good old fashioned death penalty. Good thing we just elected into office a large swarm of Republicans who can keep us even safer.

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Filed under Essays, We The People

Why Don’t Republicans Love Obama?

Barack Obama

UPDATED: with links

Except for his skin color, Barack Obama has looked like the perfect Republican. On practically every issue Republicans say they care about, Obama has out-shined his predecessors:

  • Immigration: record deportations
  • Big Business: Wall Street bailout, record corporate profits, astronomical stock market performance, no prosecution of the Masters of Universe.
  • The Rich are Getting Richer: gains of the economic growth have gone solely to the wealthiest Americans and record low taxes
  • The continued dismantling of welfare
  • Decline in government spending — although largely unreported, including decline in deficit, and shrinking spending.
  • Continuation of Never-Ending-War, including increased use of covert force, drones, targeted executions.
  • Waging War in a record number of countries (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen). Not even John McCain could dream up so much bomb dropping.
  • Osama Bin Laden was killed and is still dead
  • Increased surveillance of domestic and international communications for national security purposes
  • Israel: Increased military aid to Israel paid for by U.S. taxpayers, unwavering support for Israel policies and actions, all while Israel has enjoyed growth of settlements at levels greater than under any other U.S. president — all of this despite Netanyahu having actively campaigned against Obama in 2012 (unprecedented of a foreign leader in an American election)
  • America still has more people behind bars than anywhere else in the world
  • There has been absolutely no decrease in Americans’ rights to bare arms. White guys can still walk around carrying guns, and stand their ground.
  • There has been no increase in American women’s right to choice. Both teenage pregnancy and overall abortion are down.
  • Same sex marriage is a victory for State Rights and against government intervention
  • Passage of a conservative, market-based health care plan promoted by a conservative think-tank that was first implemented by the 2012 Republican presidential nominee
  • Drill Baby Drill: U.S. is now the leading producer of crude oil in the world
  • Look Forward Not Backwards: a free pass for Bush administration officials, the CIA and the Defense Department for any number of crimes (torture, war crimes, destruction of evidence, …)
  • Obama is a family man with strong family values

So where is the Marxism? Where is the Shari’a? Where is single payer? Why is everyone around the world still drinking Coke and doing business in English? There’s plenty for Democrats to dislike, but not much for conservatives. So what is it exactly that Republicans find so problematic with Obama?

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